Friday, October 23, 2009




Georgia carries, hugs, kisses,  swaddles, and sings to
her baby pumpkin.

She also inadvertently puts it in the dryer.

Poor baby.

P.S. " bee-bee punk-in" is mildly bruised and a little warmer than usual but a full recovery is expected.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cider Days

Welcome to Cider Days a Woodward Family Tradition
(with one Dodunski thrown in the mix)

We arrive and immediately start admiring tractors.
Georgia just says "Noisy".

Dad and Tim "blah blah cool blah blah and what about that blah blah".

Georgia learning to admire a real thing of beauty

Yes, I let my child eat things like FUNNEL CAKE.
She doesn't eat things like this often (almost never).
But I will not have one of those weird children that never gets to have sugar.
Oh come on you know those children.

Yes I also let my child pet large fuzzy creatures.

Even if she is somewhat horrified at the thought.

A piece of feed corn in hand and sticky cider dribbled down her front.
The telltale signs of a successful Cider Day!

Oh yeah one more shot for the baby book.
Does this really seem like a good idea?


Thanks to Uncle Tim and Boppa Dean for making the day so great.

Friday, October 9, 2009

funny ha ha

Hey Mom what's so funny?
I am having one of those days where everything seems ridiculous.
I can't stop giggling at the absurd and I'm pretty sure Georgia thinks I've lost my mind.

This is one of many laugh out loud moments.
I was looking for a bathing suit on sale and found this.

(photo courtesy of Land's End)

Happy Friday - Happy Smiling!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

notes from the chair

Georgia and I spend a lot of time together in the kitchen.
You get the point.
Thought you might like to see two of our daily highchair moments.

Georgia asking for more boo-bay-ees. . .peeese.

Georgia protesting the fact that I call them dishcloths 
(and want them back in the drawer).
"No-no bankies, bankies".
She has a number of lovely, soft, proper blankies.

We must spend too much time in the kitchen if the old, 
scratchy towels have become this appealing.

Bon Appetit!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Chatty Chatty Bang Bang

Georgia is busy.
Really busy.
She likes to narrate as she goes, and goes, and goes.

Hi Dee-Dee.
 Nice crit-crit (cricket).
Owww-side (outside).

Joe-Ja (Georgia) B-oh-t (boat)?
Biiiiiiig B-oh-t.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Oh neglected blog. . .


 Our September was a bit on the busy side.
New school year.
New daycare schedule.
New Hockey team (Dad's - no they're not that good - yet).

While we are sad to see our green grass turn brown,
and our beautiful garden go to sleep again,
we are really excited to 
get back into the groove!

Please forgive our brief hiatus tomorrow's post will be nice and long.