Monday, January 25, 2010

Tomorrow is a big day.
It will be January 26th and Georgia will turn 20 months old.

Tuesday is a "mommy work" day so today we went out to celebrate.
Our celebration included one free balloon from the nice lady at the party shop
a car wash.
We had a perfectly lovely time.

"Georgia wuv gween buhyoon"

My thought (not resolution) for the new year was/is to enjoy all of the moments in between.  You know what I mean, like in between loads of laundry, in between important phone calls, and in between refrigerator disasters.  
I believe that these are the moments that make up a life well lived.

I am so lucky that many of my moments are spent with Georgia, it has been such a joyful 20 months!

1 comment:

Grandma Lynda said...

Happy 20 months birthday, Georgia! Looking forward to being with you on your 24 months birthday.
Love Mimi Lynda