Monday, November 24, 2008

Silence CAN be golden

I really love my job (part-time).  I really really do.  Before I was a mom I was a teacher. I adore teaching for a million and one reasons.  Here are just a few. . .

Nobody cares if I sing off key

I get to make art at least once a day

Kids say things like "cankersaurus" when they mean "canker sore"

I go outside to play everyday

I can legitimately eat goldfish and string cheese for a snack

My bright pink pants get compliments

I read great literature like The Gruffalo (check it out)

Knock knock jokes are considered funny

A child might love school because of me

There are only a couple of things I do not like about teaching.  And only one in particular now that I am a working Mom and can't wait to pick up my Babe after a long day.  That one in particular complaint is staff meetings.  I know they are necessary, but seriously people brevity is a virtue.  Let's all take a moment and rip a page from the life of Georgia,
when in doubt PLUG it. 

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