Monday, January 25, 2010

Tomorrow is a big day.
It will be January 26th and Georgia will turn 20 months old.

Tuesday is a "mommy work" day so today we went out to celebrate.
Our celebration included one free balloon from the nice lady at the party shop
a car wash.
We had a perfectly lovely time.

"Georgia wuv gween buhyoon"

My thought (not resolution) for the new year was/is to enjoy all of the moments in between.  You know what I mean, like in between loads of laundry, in between important phone calls, and in between refrigerator disasters.  
I believe that these are the moments that make up a life well lived.

I am so lucky that many of my moments are spent with Georgia, it has been such a joyful 20 months!

Friday, January 8, 2010

This one's for Mikey

It is cold here - again.
It is amazing how quickly you warm up when you're laughing.

Meet our (snow) angel.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I should be cleaning right now.

This is what our house should look like.

At the moment it looks like Christmas came and went
and threw up all over our house.

It also looks like a toddler (tornado) lives here.

I am paralyzed by the thought of digging in to this mess.

I might have to sit down and read a magazine instead.

Thirty minutes left of nap time isn't really enough time to get anything done anyway.