Saturday, February 21, 2009

over the river and through the woods. . .

Instead of going to Grandma
she came to us.
We are so lucky.
Grandmothers are great at many things.
They teach you how to drink from a cup.
Help you ride pretend horsies.
Read to you endlessly.
LOVE you no matter what.
See you soon - we don't like to say goodbye!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sooooooooo Big!

Georgia is truly an over achiever.
Since I last posted she has learned how to

eat Cheerios
pull herself up
grunt like a viking
dump out the dog's water
crawl up the step(s)
open wrapped candy
rip books
and play at the playground.

She is growing up too fast!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hello Sunshine

Sunny days 
demand rakish hats
walks to the park.
Christmas in July
has nothing on
Summer in February!